Jordan Bruhn

Licensing: SA696613000

I grew up in a small town in Minnesota where we would spend a majority of our time at the lakes enjoying life in the summer! I played basketball most of my life and will never forget the memories. I ended up following some of my best friends to College where we attended the University of North Dakota. One thing I don’t miss about the North is the cold! My first job out of College was the General Manager of a Micro-Brewery where I learned how to lead a team in the Restaurant Industry. Knowing I wanted more in life and new opportunities I decided to move out to Arizona and ended up relocating to Scottsdale, AZ. I spent 2-3 years in the Scottsdale area where I managed a Craft Cocktail Bar while I was getting used to living in a new state. I’ve never looked back on my decision to relocate to this great state. After being involved in the Restaurant Industry for 6 years I decided that it was time for a change and wanted to venture into a Career that I had zero experience in. I ended up quitting my job with no gameplan in mind. I decided that Real Estate was going to be my next Career and it has been a blessing. I’ve enjoyed working with First-Time Homebuyers trying to help them find their ideal fit! I decided to move down to Tucson to switch up my environment as I like the “small-town vibes” a little more! I also enjoy being able to go out to the mountains and enjoy a beautiful hike at any time! Real Estate is my passion each and every day as it has endless possibilities but allows me to challenge myself in every way imaginable. I try to cool off in the hot Arizona summers by returning to Minnesota to be with family and friends!

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